How is it that we can be warned about something, and do it anyway? Moses warned the people that they would rebel against God. Why didn’t they determine in their hearts not to do so? Becasue it takes more than self-determination. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did determine in their hearts not to rebel. But determining in your heart, and actually following through, are not the same thing. In order to obey God, we need help. We cannot do it on our own – no matter how badly we want to. We must have the power of the Holy Spirit. We must have Him living inside of us, helping us to do what we truly want to do.
Have you ever really, really wanted to do the right thing, but then found yourself doing the opposite? Peter did. Jesus warned him that he would deny Him three times leading up to His crucifixion. Peter couldn’t imagine it. He said there was no way. But we know the story. He found himself doing the very thing he adamantly stated he would not do. And it broke his heart. Later, after the resurrection, we encounter a totally different Peter. What happened? What changed?
“When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Acts 2:1-4
What changed? Peter became a man relying not on his own power and self-determination, but upon the power of the Holy Spirit, who came to dwell within him. We must do the same. Without Him, we are doomed to fail. Over and over again we will find ourselves, like Peter, and like the children of Israel, wanting to do the right thing, but not being able to do it. We need Christ. We need the Spirit. We need help. Thankfully, it is available. Let’s go to Him, and rely upon Him to help us make our yes, yes, and our no, no.